I Meant It for Good

Life is full of twists and turns, and most people do their best to simply survive. But not Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer. Why survive when you can thrive? Suddenly a single parent, Mary lifted herself up and created the life she wanted for herself—a life of financial, personal, and spiritual success—despite the many obstacles she overcame along her journey that included a devastating cancer diagnosis.

About the Author:

After hearing the words, “You have cancer,” Mary knew that everything in her life had prepared her for that moment. Her blind faith in God and her focus on the inner voice led her to find integrative treatments for cancer—and they worked!

Mary’s vision is to share her story in hopes of helping other people know they, too, have options and can choose what is right for themselves, that they can set their own goals and visualize—and attain—both physical and spiritual healing.

Follow Mary as she takes you through a goal-setting process that will inspire you to dream, visualize, and be your authentic self; to listen to the still small voice inside and know that you have options and can be healed. Mary lives in Arizona with her husband, Jan, and travels throughout the Midwest during the summer. Mary and Jan have seven children and eleven grandchildren.

You can visit Mary at https://maryrechkemmermeyer.com.

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